[ELI5] What exactly is a raspberry pi?


Looking forward to learn python as a hobby and I came across this “computer?”, regardless if it’s useful with python what exactly is a raspberry pi and how is it useful? If it could be explained in simple terms that would be fantastic, I literally know nothing about coding or python.
Also if you could suggest a coding language that would be suitable for math i’d appreciate it since i’m looking to code something related with math since i love math (maybe i could start with a script/program that could resolve integers or maybe graph functions or anything of that matter)

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a computer, no quotemarks needed. It’s a very small one (about the size of a credit card), and has a different architecture than a PC or Mac, but it can run various versions of Linux. The current version comes with various amounts of RAM (from 1GB to 8GB), can boot off a microSD card or an external USB drive, has two HDMI outputs, and can be powered by a (albeit powerful) cellphone charger.

You can use them to learn Python just as well as any other Linux-based computer, or, frankly, any other computer.

Now, normally one of the biggest advantages of a Raspberry PI is that they’re _super_ cheap — starting at $35.

However, they are _impossible to find_ right now and are selling for a _hell_ of a lot more than the MSRP. Sadly, as amazing as I personally think these devices are, right now is a terrible time to try and find one ):

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