[ELi5] What exactly is electronic configuration?


What does it tell about an atom and why is it useful?
Please give me a perspective like explaining using examples of cars,buses, rollercoaster etc

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2 Answers

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Electron configurations can give us a bit of a clue as to how elements might interact. We can use it to predict what their properties might be and how they might behave, as well as what other elements they might bond with.

To use a rollercoaster as a somewhat clunky example:

The cars on a roller coaster can only fit so many people each, but your cars can’t be arbitrarily small. If you’re full up, but one more person wants to ride, you have to attach an entire other car, and most of the seats in the car will go vacant and unused. Such a roller coaster would really like to be rid of that one person, or at least share them with another roller coaster so it can more efficiently use the space it has.

So, what such a roller coaster might do is find a roller coaster that’s missing one single person in its last car. Then, it can transfer its single person to that car and bind itself to that other roller coaster, and now they’re using the space they have as efficiently as possible.

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