Eli5- What exactly is the difference between short term memory, working memory, and fluid reasoning?


Eli5- What exactly is the difference between short term memory, working memory, and fluid reasoning?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. **Short-term memory (STM):** Think of it like the RAM on a computer. It temporarily holds the information you’re currently working with. Like when you’re reading a page in a book, you remember the start of the sentence until you’ve finished the whole thing. But after a while, without rehearsing or repeating, you might forget the exact words.

2. **Long-term memory (LTM):** This is like your computer’s hard drive. It’s where you store information for the long run, like facts about history, a cherished memory with friends, or how to ride a bike. With the right triggers or cues, you can retrieve this info even years later.

3. **Fluid reasoning:** This is your ability to tackle new problems and think logically without relying on stuff you already know. It’s like being handed a new video game and figuring out its mechanics without having played it before. You’re using your raw problem-solving skills to adapt and learn.

In summary, STM is for the now, LTM is for the forever, and fluid reasoning helps you navigate and understand new situations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine that every day you walk along the beach and collect stones into backpack. Short-term memory.

But your collection should only contain unique stones! So, also every day, you sit down and compare new stones to old ones. Dreams.

After selecting most unique and beautiful (repetition and emotion) stones you place them in a small purse. Long-term memory.

Since you very often compare new stones with old ones, almost always leaving an old ones and throwing away similar ones, you very well know what exactly and where lays in the purse. Being able to pull out familiar stones very quickly. Fluid reasoning.