eli5 What happens in our body/brain when we naturally wake up? Is it like starting a PC, where pressing a button kickstarts all the processes?


I was just wondering what happens when we wake up naturally, so not because of an alarm or being woken up by a loud noise or our partner or something.

In: 8

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your circadian rhythm is a biological clock, which helps control your body using temperature and hormones. So when it’s dark and time to sleep it will release melatonin and drop your temp, which will help you sleep. Then when it’s the morning your temperature will increase and your cortisol levels will spike just before you wake up.

Also sleep isn’t like the brain is off or in standby. Some stages of sleep your brain is more active than when you are awake. Sleep is broken up into sleep cycles and you naturally wake up after a sleep cycle has finished. If you wake up due to an alarm then it will likely wake you up halfway through a sleep cycle, which some people notice as brain fog or just being extra groggy.

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