eli5: what is 4D space?


I just dont know what Is 4D space and i can’t imagine it…

In: 5

27 Answers

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In a 3D space, you need three values to identify any particular point in it: `(x, y, z)`, like `(1, 2, 3)`. In 2D space you only need `(x, y)` coordinates. In 4D space, you simply need one more value, like `(1, 2, 3, 4)`. You don’t necessarily need to visualize it as physical axes, that additional value could be anything. For example time. Or if you imagine any `(x, y, z)` point to be a cube itself (picture a warehouse of cubes), then the forth value could denote the side of the cube. Or you don’t imagine it like a “space” at all, and just take it as a filing system in a library: “1st floor, 2nd quadrant, 3rd shelf, 4th section”.

If you stop trying to picture *n*D coordinates as physical axes at all and just take it as “you need *n* values to identify any one location in this space”, it might make more sense.

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