eli5: what is 4D space?


I just dont know what Is 4D space and i can’t imagine it…

In: 5

27 Answers

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Well, 4D doesn’t work well with our minds unfortunately. The best way to imagine it is via its 3D representation.

Take a 3D cube. It’s got three dimensions. They’re height, depth and width. It’s easy to imagine what would happen if we changed any of those dimensions of the cube, so I won’t go into that.

Now let’s say we have a 4D cube. Just like the 3D cube it’s got width, depth and height. But it’s got one more, because we said it did. This could be anything though. 4D space doesn’t exist as far as we know, so there’s no reason to assume that our 4th dimension is a spatial dimension.

Time, for example, is a perfectly valid 4th dimension. Changing the cube’s time dimension might mean it looks pristine at t=0, and old and crumbly at t=10000. That’s one 4D cube.

Or the 4th dimension could be sphericalness, in which case varying the 4th dimension could change how spherical it seems.

Or the 4th dimension could be *volume*, independent of outer dimensions. A big 4th dimension would mean that somehow it’s huge on the inside.

I like to think of black holes as hypothetical examples of 4D space. Due to gravitational spacetime warping, it’s not unreasonable to expect a black hole to have a much greater volume inside of it than the outer 3 dimensions would allow.

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