4nm process means smaller transistors than 6nm process. Smaller transistors means you can fit more transistors in the same space, which can mean faster processors or better performance. The actual number (4nm) is mostly just a marketing term than an actual measurement, but smaller is better.
The CPU is the brain of your computer, it’s responsible for everything your computer does.
The GPU is a helper processor. It stands for “Graphics Processing Unit”, and historically it was responsible for rendering video on your computer. However, these days it can actually be used for dozens of things other than video, too. In a nutshell, a GPU has hundreds of little mini CPUs that are more limited and not quite as general-purpose, but you can leverage all of them working in parallel.
A better GPU definitely helps with graphics – like playing games at high-resolution with a high frame rate. It can also help with crypto mining, photoshop filters, video encoding, and many other specialized tasks.
A better CPU helps with your overall computer speed – how fast a program opens, how fast a webpage loads, etc.
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