In a regular store, the owner gets to decide what product they sell, how they sell it and the price that they want to set. For small stores, this is both a benefit (freedom) and a difficulty. The owner has to source their material, do their own promotion etc which involves a lot of effort and the owner might not be able to get the best prices or quality for their needs.
In a franchise store, the owner has signed a franchise agreement with a franchisor. The owner agrees to only sell the products the franchisor provides, generally at prices the franchisor sets, decorates the store according to the franchisor standards and using supplies that the franchisor pre-selects or provides. The franchisor (say MacDonald’s) might have a good brand name, marketing and product R&D. This makes it easier for the owner to operate the store and make a regular profit but they have to give the franchisor a fee (usually a percentage of revenue).
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