Eli5: what is a heart bypass?


I’m not super familiar with medical stuff. But we found out today my dad needs a bypass and I’m anxious about it, they tried to explain it and I’ve tried looking it up but I genuinely don’t understand what it entails or if he’ll be okay


Edit: I don’t have the energy to reply to everyone but ty all for your explanations!! I’m still anxious but feeling a lot less worried knowing what it actually is

In: 9

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

There are a number of arteries that supply blood to the heart. These arteries can become blocked due to the accumulation of plaques that build up over time (i.e. heart disease) — generally due to high cholesterol levels, although there are a number of risk factors. A bypass uses a blood vessel from elsewhere in the body to go around the blockage and ensure that blood is flowing properly to the heart. This avoids a full blockage cutting off blood supply to the heart muscle (i.e. a heart attack). This is a relatively common surgery and people without significant additional complications generally make good recoveries.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of a highway bypass. It’s a new stretch of highway built to bypass something, like a town. A heart bypass means that one of the blood vessels is blocked, so they will take a piece from elsewhere (usually the leg), and sew it in place of the blocked section, so the blood goes around the blockage.

It’s extremely common, my brother had a triple bypass about 8 years ago, so they did this to 3 vessels, he’s absolutely fine.

It will tire him out and will take a while for recovery. But it’s pretty routine nowadays

Add on: while they are doing the surgery, they use a machine to circulate the blood because they are working on the heart. This is done by profusionists. This part is not referred to as a bypass.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your heart is muscle. Muscle needs blood. Heart muscle gets blood not from inside, but from little arteries on its outside surface (coronary arteries). A blockage in one of these may starve and kill heart muscle.

Bypass surgery takes a vein section from your lower leg and attaches each end to the affected coronary on either side of the blockage. Then blood can freely flow around the blockage, feeding the heart muscle again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You know how doctors are constantly warning us about our diet/lifestyle because our arteries will get clogged? A bypass is what they do after the arteries have become too clogged.

[Here’s an image of a normal vs clogged artery.](https://belvoir-university-health.s3.amazonaws.com/media/2017/03/07175050/Artherosclerosis-e1464198437578.jpg)

A bypass is a procedure where the doctors “go around” the clog by creating a new connection in the heart valve. It’s quite literally “bypassing” the clogged artery (hence the name)

You’ll sometimes hear the terms [Bypass | Double Bypass | Triple Bypass | Quadruple Bypass](https://www.topdoctors.co.uk/files/Image/large/5bd88553-b2f8-4a33-bd61-11a325bbab96.png)

All of these are variations of the same procedure. Do you see the white tubes in the above diagram? They are valves which have been used to connect blood flow to different parts of the heart to increase blood flow and bypass the clogs and issues.

While all surgeries have risks, a bypass procedure is pretty normal these days. It’s considered a safe and effective procedure and patients see improvement in their health after recovery. You shouldn’t be concerned.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The main two things your Dad can do to look after himself after a bypass is take his meds and start attending to his lifestyle.
He needs a referral to a registered Dietician for the best advice on diet based on his food preferences. He also needs to ask about cardiac rehab exercise groups.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Some people call the procedure a CABG (pronounced like “cabbage”).

Anonymous 0 Comments

A bypass surgery is where they create an additional blood vessel to the heart to improve blood flow since the original one has degraded due to high cholesterol or other reasons.

Best of luck to your dad.