Eli5: what is a heart bypass?


I’m not super familiar with medical stuff. But we found out today my dad needs a bypass and I’m anxious about it, they tried to explain it and I’ve tried looking it up but I genuinely don’t understand what it entails or if he’ll be okay


Edit: I don’t have the energy to reply to everyone but ty all for your explanations!! I’m still anxious but feeling a lot less worried knowing what it actually is

In: 9

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your heart is muscle. Muscle needs blood. Heart muscle gets blood not from inside, but from little arteries on its outside surface (coronary arteries). A blockage in one of these may starve and kill heart muscle.

Bypass surgery takes a vein section from your lower leg and attaches each end to the affected coronary on either side of the blockage. Then blood can freely flow around the blockage, feeding the heart muscle again.

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