Eli5 what is a liminal space?


Eli5 what is a liminal space?

In: 37

7 Answers

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Liminality is “being in a state of transition”. Liminal spaces are places which are almost familiar but with something disorienting about them. Like, if you went back to your elementary school for some reason. It’s all familiar but everything is too short, or if you go to a store at midnight and you’re used to it being full of people but now it’s empty and silent, or the one Wal-Mart in town with a backwards layout.

Online, it’s almost all photography of empty places – hallways that don’t go anywhere recognizable, rooms that are familiar (because late 20th-early 21st century corporate construction all looks the same) but has nothing in the room to identify its purpose. Closed malls with no stores, or a 90s fast food restaurant with no furniture. Gas stations at night, with no visible background but the island of lit up asphalt. That kind of thing.

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