eli5: What is a Republic? As in, the United States is a Republic?


I’m almost 50. I said the pledge of allegiance every day. Our education system is so messed up that they didn’t bother to explain what it meant.

Hell, I’m old enough that I also sang ‘Zippity Doo Dah ‘ every day also. Plus, we had the strap in school. Teachers and principals taking their anger out on 10 years olds. That was weird.

In: 27

66 Answers

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Strictly speaking to be a Republic, you need to have had a revolt, typically against a head of state e.g. King, tyrant, dictator etc who held (in the opinion of the rebels) absolute power, and replaced them with something in which power is then shared between more than one person. Of course in practice this isn’t often how it’s done, hence things like the GDR back in the day, and the Peopel’s Republic of China / Republic of Chines (PRC/ROC) both of whom use the word Republic despite the ROC having been a dictatorship for a significant period of it’s existence and so on

The democractic bit is, as said elsewhere, entierly optional and often a clue that the country is not, in fact, democractic e.g. North Korea being the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK)

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