eli5: What is a Republic? As in, the United States is a Republic?


I’m almost 50. I said the pledge of allegiance every day. Our education system is so messed up that they didn’t bother to explain what it meant.

Hell, I’m old enough that I also sang ‘Zippity Doo Dah ‘ every day also. Plus, we had the strap in school. Teachers and principals taking their anger out on 10 years olds. That was weird.

In: 27

66 Answers

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Republics are lots of little things that make up one big thing. We have the states (little things) that make up the the United States (big thing). The little things can make there own laws and govern semi independent of the big thing. A “true” democracy would be all the people at the bottom are horizontally at the same level and there is vertically one level above them if elected officials. Each person in a democracy would get the same say (my vote is as powerful as your vote) in who sits in power about them. In our republic depending on where you live, your vote could be worth more or less than my vote. Star Wars dies a great job of portraying a large republic, all the plants govern themselves and have queens, presidents, leaders, but they all rolled up to the leader of the senate regardless of if they voted that way or not.

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