eli5: What is a Republic? As in, the United States is a Republic?


I’m almost 50. I said the pledge of allegiance every day. Our education system is so messed up that they didn’t bother to explain what it meant.

Hell, I’m old enough that I also sang ‘Zippity Doo Dah ‘ every day also. Plus, we had the strap in school. Teachers and principals taking their anger out on 10 years olds. That was weird.

In: 27

66 Answers

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In a republic offices are not inherited and instead established through a powerful body that can differ. Most republics are also democracies so the body is the demos e.g. the people. This is also the case for the US, so it is a democracy.

Though there are other forms of republic like aristocratic republic’s where only the nobles hold the power to establish offices. A somewhat famous example of this would be old Venice, where the powerful families held council and voted on their ruler.

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