eli5: What is a Republic? As in, the United States is a Republic?


I’m almost 50. I said the pledge of allegiance every day. Our education system is so messed up that they didn’t bother to explain what it meant.

Hell, I’m old enough that I also sang ‘Zippity Doo Dah ‘ every day also. Plus, we had the strap in school. Teachers and principals taking their anger out on 10 years olds. That was weird.

In: 27

66 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are in a classroom and have to decide everything that needs to be done for the school year, from what classes you and your classmates will take, to what times, when lunch is, what materials will be used to teach, etc.

In a democracy, you and your classmates would all vote together on each item to determine what should be done. But this can be very confusing and tiring to do for every single thing, and very time consuming. There is no way that everyone voting really knows enough about each thing being voted on to make the best decisions, but every person gets a voice and has equal say.

Now, let’s say you and your classmates wanted to have a say in all of these matters, but want to find a way to make the process easier and also make sure that every choice is made in a smart way. So instead, you each decide to have a few people that will choose the things you want for you, and each person votes to choose those people instead of voting on each individual matter. That is basically what a republic is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A democratic government is one where the people elect their leaders and vote on laws. A true democracy means the people vote on every law. A republic is a form of democracy that recognizes that the layman knows nothing about legislation, law, regulation, logistics, etc. So instead we entrust the people to vote for somebody to make those decisions for them. It, in theory, legend demagogues from being elected as well, but we know that’s not true now.

The very short answer is that a republic is a democracy with elected representatives to vote on most laws and regulations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A democratic government is one where the people elect their leaders and vote on laws. A true democracy means the people vote on every law. A republic is a form of democracy that recognizes that the layman knows nothing about legislation, law, regulation, logistics, etc. So instead we entrust the people to vote for somebody to make those decisions for them. It, in theory, legend demagogues from being elected as well, but we know that’s not true now.

The very short answer is that a republic is a democracy with elected representatives to vote on most laws and regulations.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are in a classroom and have to decide everything that needs to be done for the school year, from what classes you and your classmates will take, to what times, when lunch is, what materials will be used to teach, etc.

In a democracy, you and your classmates would all vote together on each item to determine what should be done. But this can be very confusing and tiring to do for every single thing, and very time consuming. There is no way that everyone voting really knows enough about each thing being voted on to make the best decisions, but every person gets a voice and has equal say.

Now, let’s say you and your classmates wanted to have a say in all of these matters, but want to find a way to make the process easier and also make sure that every choice is made in a smart way. So instead, you each decide to have a few people that will choose the things you want for you, and each person votes to choose those people instead of voting on each individual matter. That is basically what a republic is.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sorry if this has been said already, but the words republic and democracy are general terms that mean the same thing, despite some people’s claims that they are different. Look at the root words for help: re (reign) + public (people) and dem (people) ocracy (regime). Political scientists to not make a distinction between the two, though some high-school civics teachers might. A republic doesn’t mean a representative democracy vs. a direct one where people vote on everything.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine you are in a classroom and have to decide everything that needs to be done for the school year, from what classes you and your classmates will take, to what times, when lunch is, what materials will be used to teach, etc.

In a democracy, you and your classmates would all vote together on each item to determine what should be done. But this can be very confusing and tiring to do for every single thing, and very time consuming. There is no way that everyone voting really knows enough about each thing being voted on to make the best decisions, but every person gets a voice and has equal say.

Now, let’s say you and your classmates wanted to have a say in all of these matters, but want to find a way to make the process easier and also make sure that every choice is made in a smart way. So instead, you each decide to have a few people that will choose the things you want for you, and each person votes to choose those people instead of voting on each individual matter. That is basically what a republic is.

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