Eli5: what is a resonance frequency, specifically when talking about the human body?


I read an interesting article today that explained that certain hallucinations can happen when frequencies close to that of the body affect us. For example, apparently eyes have a resonance frequency of 18 Hz, so if they are subject to frequencies similar, i might see shapes in the corner of my eyes. If my ears pick up a frequey close to their resonance frequency, I might hear strange noises, etc. But what exactly does an eye’s resonance frequency mean? I’ve heard it talked about with glass and how singing at its frequency can make it shatter, but does that mean certain sounds can make my eyes pop too?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans are mushy, and sounds can press on them. Press on them at their resonant frequency, and they will vibrate. You can also shake the human to see what happens. It’s not like one frequency works for all pamts of all humans, but each part of each individual has a resonant frequency.

Enough sound energy to pop your eyes would do other harm to you.

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