eli5 What is “adopt a highway”?

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idk if this is just a midwestern thing, but there are so many signs i see titled “adopt a highway” what does that mean? how can you “adopt” a highway?

In: Other

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The people who run the highways didn’t have enough money so they thought it would be nice to get other people to do their work of cleaning up the highway, especially of litter. In return, these other people would get a sign saying that they had adopted the highway.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Great documentary about ones efforts of adopting a mile of highway within the sitcom “Seinfeld”.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You could have just googled it but you want online attention from strangers for some weird reason. Can you explain that

Anonymous 0 Comments

Adopt a Highway is a program that exists nationwide. Any person or organization can “adopt” a small section of highway. That section of highway gets the person’s/organization’s name on it (obviously easy advertising for your business or organization), while in return, the adopting group commits to doing trash pickup of that stretch of road for a certain period of time.

I don’t know if the program runs exactly the same in every state, but in PA it’s a 2 year commitment for a 2 mile stretch of road, with cleanup to be conducted twice each year. There’s no cost to my knowledge.

The state gets cheap labor to pick up trash, organizations get free advertising, and individuals volunteering with that organization get to do something beneficial for their community and environment.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a program where instead of your money you spent in taxes fixing the roads, it gets wasted. So they come up with these fun names to make it seem like you somehow are responsible and should feel proud for providing free labor for what you already paid taxes to cover.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the jurisdiction but most mean you’re the one cleaning up the highway. Supplies such as bags, pickers, and vests are supplied by the State. I was in the California Adopt-A-Highway program for 23 years and have a lot of experience with it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Growing up I was in scouts and we used to get paid to clean a section of highway twice a year under this program. Big manufacturer plant nearby was the adopter of that section. Probably a small tax write off opportunity but done more for the good publicity

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a national program where people in a group, company, or organization basically clean up trash and do other community service things on a certain stretch of highway.

I’ve participated in this myself a few times when I was younger by collecting trash at the stretch of street the company my mother used to work at adopted.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Did it in South Georgia when I was in the Navy (picked up trash occasionally). We got the rest of the day off when we did.