ElI5: What is an ozone sprayer? It sounds like pseudoscience.

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My friend has been using one and they say it’s an “ozone cleaner” and that it disinfects whatever you spray the water on?
Is this bullshit?
Here is the explanation from the website: Ozone spray is the amazing, easy-to-use cleaner, sanitizer and disinfectant made from just tap water. This patented ozone spray machine takes ordinary water then electrifies it, creating aqueous ozone, an earth-friendly, totally safe and chemical free spray to clean and sanitize countertops, floors, windows, door handles and any hard surfaces in your home or business. The EnozoPRO (Hygeia) aqueous ozone sprayer is battery operated and kills 99.9% of bacteria and common viruses in only 30 seconds

In: Chemistry

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Electrifying water is indeed one way to make ozone, but it’s not a disinfectant, and exposure actually causes a lot of chronic health problems. [Here’s](https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/our-work/programs/air-cleaners-ozone-products/hazardous-ozone-generating-air-purifiers#:~:text=Because%20ozone%20reacts%20with%20some,viruses%2C%20bacteria%2C%20and%20odors.) a rundown from the California Air Resources Board (gov’t agency). According to the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/npg/npgd0476.html) exposure to ozone can cause pulmonary edema and chronic respiratory disease, and it reacts with other molecules in the air to create a number of other toxic chemicals.

Ozone is very bad for you, and not something your friend should be making on purpose!

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