Eli5 what is birthmark?


80% of my body is covered in strawberry birthmark. I’ve had it since I was born. My mum thought that as I grew it would become smaller on me, but it grew with me. It turns blue when I’m cold. No doctor can explain what causes it? It looks and feels like normal skin and could be removed with laser treatment, by bursting the blood vessels apparently…similar to how tattoos are removed.

In: 90

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Those are often called port wine stains. I have one on my leg. I think they look cool!


I had a friend whose daughter was born with a pretty big one on her face. The doctors told them that they could do the laser treatment, but he would have had to hold his toddler down while they did that to her face. He decided that was not something they were going to do.

It’s a hard call because of course there’s absolutely nothing wrong with it and it looks cool. On the other hand kids can be mean. So it was a tough choice. I think they made the right call but it wasn’t an easy one and they spent a lot of time thinking about it.

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