Eli5 What is causing the high rate of inflation in Australia?


I did a quick google and it said because demand is out stripping supply for goods and services. I would have thought supply and demand was never static at any time. Why is it a massive issue now? Supply and demand of what exactly? I understand food price going up but how does that relate to the value of currency? If a recession hits us will it cause inflation to go down because people aren’t demanding as much? Do more people have more money causing higher demand? Thanks for your expertise

In: 43

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Simply this: **Corporate Greed**.

‘New empirical research reveals the main driver for inflation in Australia is excess corporate profits, not wages, and that inflation would have stayed within the RBA target band if corporates had not squeezed consumers through the pandemic via excess price hikes.
The dramatic expansion of business profits has gone mostly ignored by the RBA and other macroeconomic policy-makers, who have focused instead on a supposed ‘wage-price’ spiral which does not exist. This suggests the focus of the RBA on wage restraint is misplaced and unfair, and that interest rates would be far lower today if companies had not gouged customers at the checkout.
The report Profit-Price Spiral: The Truth Behind Australia’s Inflation (attached) comes in the same week supermarket giants Woolworths and Coles posted soaring profits, with banks, gas and petrol companies posting similarly soaring returns.”


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