Eli5- What is codependency?


Eli5- What is codependency?

In: 4

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Entity A is reliant on Entity B for something. Entity B is also reliant on Entity A for something. They are codependent.

Anonymous 0 Comments

“Co-dependency” is used to describe someone in a dysfunctional relationship who enables an abuser. Thus, one partner is dependent on drugs, alcohol, or some other addictive behavior. The enabler becomes a co-dependent even if not addicted to the same behavior.

The co-dependent has good intentions. He or she tries to take care of a person who is experiencing difficulty, but the caretaking becomes compulsive and defeating. The co-dependent thinks of him or herself as a martyr, but enables the abuser while pretending that there’s nothing wrong. Neither partner is well served by the relationship.

Anonymous 0 Comments

As someone who has experienced codependency in a relationship, allow me to add a little insight. In a nutshell, codependency is when you attach your own feelings of self worth and happiness to you making someone else happy. You attach your emotional well being to someone else and their well being. Without it you feel worthless. This does not need to be reciprocated by the other person.

It is a terrible way to live, but it seems to become the default for someone with low self esteem issues.