eli5 what is DevOps ?


What exactly is DevOps and what’s the learning roadmap.

In: 25

27 Answers

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Ask ten people, and you’ll get at least fifteen definitions of what DevOps is. The only universal trait to all definitions is that involves somse sort of crossover between the Developer skill set and the IT Operations skillset. Some recurring ideas involve:

* No writing code then throwing it “over the fence” and letting operations worry about deploying to your servers. Developers should be involved in the day-to-day management and operation of their own software. This leads to things like reliability, monitoring, etc being baked directly into applications.
* Systems administration/operations was historically a largely manual process, with maintenance and configuration changes being performed by hand, but manual processes are slow, tedious, and error prone, and an all-around waste of precious engineering time. Instead, you use development skills to automate everything.

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