While software developers focus on building software – like adding features and fixing bugs – DevOps specializes in deploying software and keeping it running smoothly.
For example, let’s say you’ve got a website. It runs on a server in the cloud along with a database.
The DevOps person sets up a load-balancer to spread out the load between multiple web servers. Maybe they adjust the number of servers running based on the time of day.
They set up daily database backups, and monthly they do a practice database restore so they’re confident they could recover if a bug in the code accidentally deleted important rows from the database.
They set up security monitoring software.
They keep up with security vulnerabilities and patch the server OS. They push the developers to upgrade libraries the software uses to new versions when there’s a new vulnerability.
They respond to emergencies, like if the site is offline.
The job used to be called SysAdmin. The name DevOps is a more modern take that recognizes that this role is still a developer – you still need to be good at programming – it’s just a different focus / specialty than developing software.
For example, the best way to keep the site running smoothly is not to be there 24/7 to respond every time something goes wrong, but to write code that automatically handles common failures and automatically fixes them.
[https://roadmap.sh/devops](https://roadmap.sh/devops) has a good roadmap!
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