Eli5 What is executive disfunction?


Eli5 What is executive disfunction?

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26 Answers

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Executive function is the brain’s job of prioritizing, organizing and carrying out behaviors (ANY kind of behavior–from picking up your socks to getting a job to deciding what movie to watch).

The “executive function” is like the boss at a job. If they are a good boss, then tasks are clearly prioritized, organized and given out for execution by the workers. Things get done and people are generally happy.

If, on the other hand, the boss is forgetful, anxious, easily distracted by phone calls, tired, or any of a number of other things, then they will not be good at the executive functions of prioritizing, organizing and delegating. People generally don’t like working in a place like that–stuff doesn’t get done, people get in trouble, nobody’s really happy with the result. We all hate working for that kind of boss.

People who have ADHD or other problems with executive function struggle with the same issues as the bad boss. It is hard to get organized, prioritize and carry out tasks when you’re forgetful, easily distracted, etc. In order to thrive, these folks need to find ways to stimulate the executive function part of the brain They need to “wake the boss up.” That can done through ADHD meds. The boss can also get woken up with other forms of stimulation, such as music, high-stimulation environments, social interaction, high-risk work environments, etc. Learning & using these other techniques should be part of a solid treatment plan for ADHD and related disorders. Medication alone is not a whole plan.

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