Eli5 What is executive disfunction?


Eli5 What is executive disfunction?

In: 1150

26 Answers

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It’s fucking obnoxious is what it is. And it’s not just work or things other people ask me to do. It’s defying my own self! I live alone and it fucks me up constantly.

It’s me looking at a mess in the kitchen and going “I need to clean that up right now”, but a weird urge going “NO. You can’t make me! Do it later!” and I’m nigh incapable of arguing with it.

It’s me going “okay I really need to get things done today” and finding every single distraction possible, even with simple shit. I have to go to the store because I’m out of milk? HEY that bookshelf needs to be rearranged, and even though I’ve noticed it for months, I NEED TO DO IT NOW.

It’s even shit I *want* to do. It’s my day off, I have no tasks or obligations, and I really want to engage in one of my favorite hobbies today. Just as soon as I scroll Reddit for 8 hours or fall down a Youtube rabbithole and OPE! Too late, time for bed, no time for hobbies.

It fucking sucks.

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