eli5 What is foreshadowing?


eli5 What is foreshadowing?

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6 Answers

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Foreshadowing is a line, object, or event in a work of fiction that provides a clue to something that will happen later. It can be explicit, implicit, or referential. For example:

>!In Christopher Nolan’s “The Dark Knight,” Harvey Dent delivers the line “you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” This was foreshadowing, not just his descent into becoming Two-Face, but Batman’s decision to take the blame for his crimes to protect Dent’s reputation.!<

>!In “The Sixth Sense,” the first time Bruce Willis’ character meets the kid, the kid screams, foreshadowing the twist ending that he was dead all along.!<

If you were writing a fantasy book, you might have a trusted character purchase something and receive thirty silver coins as foreshadowing that they will betray someone.

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