eli5: What is “hangover food” and why do people specifically eat it when hungover?

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This question is worded a little odd, but what I’m trying to ask is why do people specifically eat things like bananas and soup after getting hammered? I’m wondering if this is just a craving thing or if there’s something about these foods I’m not aware of

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26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. Our body needs water. (Our body is 60% water).
2. Alcohol is a diuretic.
3. Diuretic means it makes us pee more.
4. If we pee more, it means we’re releasing the water in our body. (So that 60% starts to go down.)
5. When we drink alcohol, we often forget to rehydrate and drink water. (So that 60% keeps going down and does go up.)
6. Then people get drunk and pass out.
7. When the person wakes up, they will often have a hangover.
8. A hangover often entails a big headache.
9. This headache is caused ny a lack of water in your brain.
10. To get rid of the headache, your brain needs water.
11. There’s specific types of food that can help rehydrate you faster.
12. Food with high water content such as fruits and vegetables would help.
13. There’s also food with electrolytes that regulate and distribute the needed minerals in your body.
14. When your brain’s water content is back to normal, the hangover starts to go away.

I personally do Pho (Vietnamese food).

But a better solution is the preventative one – just remember to drink water every so often while you’re drinking. This will prevent a hangover and so you wouldn’t need to dead with all the headache.

But the best solution is just to not drink alcohol. There’s no health benefits to it.

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