eli5: What is “hangover food” and why do people specifically eat it when hungover?

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This question is worded a little odd, but what I’m trying to ask is why do people specifically eat things like bananas and soup after getting hammered? I’m wondering if this is just a craving thing or if there’s something about these foods I’m not aware of

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26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5: Drug addicts have strange habits. The brain starts breaking down, slowly but surely, and new ideas that sound crazy for normal people are brilliant to them 

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I have too much lagavulen I cook a flank steak sauteed in butter put on a pair of wet socks and go to bed.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t think everyone have the same idea of what “hangover food” is. For some it’s fat and carbohydrates to replenish the energy you lost after a long night with physical activity.
For others then hangover food is the only food that you can manage to hold down without vomiting, this would be light food like fruit, soup, toast, and so on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, the primary causes of a hangover are dehydration and lack of nutrients. Mostly the first. Eating hearty food with salt helps you rehydrate and restore the vitamins you lost getting the alcohol out of your system.

Most “hangover cure” foods tend to be salty and rich with things loaded with fundamental nutrients. It’s why egg features in a lot of them. Egg is one of the best foods you can eat. Especially when you’re sick or recovering from a wild night out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I love super greasy breakfast food. Just makes me feel better emotionally, which helps physically. Sometimes it takes away the headache, usually not. I just get full and pass the fuck out again

Anonymous 0 Comments

For most people I know, hangover food is fat and salty. The fat helps with a lot of the shitshow that is your stomach and smaller intestine. The salt helps with water regulation. The taste helps with feeling of comfort.