eli5 – what is happening when you get dizzy


eli5 – what is happening when you get dizzy

In: 282

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is an part of your ear that works like a gyroscope that allows for the feeling of *up* and that, alongside sight helps balance.

Now, when spun or an impact the right way can disrupt that fluid and make it need to recalibrate, and as that happens, our balance is destroyed amd our perception tried to fight the signals from our inner ear.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the cause, as someone else pointed out sometimes it can be from the fluid in your inner ear that can be disrupted or you can have a stone develop in that ear and prevent the fluid from moving appropriately. But it can also be from a temporary reduced blood flow to your brain (such as when you stand too fast and your body does not provide adequate blood to your brain and takes a second to return to appropriate circulation)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Oh boy here we go. As a GP dizziness is one of the most demanding reasons for consultation. Dizziness can be neurological/central in origin (think of strokes, brain cancer) where the brain is actively attacked, usually in the cerebellum. Then there are peripheral causes (peripheral vertigo, Meniere among others) where the inner ear’s positional calibration system fails to do its job properly. And finally many other things can present with dizziness including low blood pressure, anxiety and many more.

TLDR: so many causes but usually a problem with brain or inner ear when severe and sustained

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yep, one of the first questions you will get is “do you feel as if you are moving or if the world is moving while you are still?” It’s a tough question to answer when you aren’t in the middle of a spell so it’s good to make a mental note when it happens.

Anonymous 0 Comments

People already answered this really well so I’m not going to again, but it’s also important to not which dizzy are you talking about. The feeling of lightheadedness/near fainting or the room is spinning.
There are two completely different pathologies for the same term.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When someone gets dizzy, their brain is not receiving enough blood. This can happen for a variety of reasons but is most often caused by a sudden change in head position, low blood sugar, dehydration, or standing up too quickly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t take this answer as fact. Find out yourself if you find mistakes, correct them.

You are connected to the universe. Everytime you move, you are moving the whole universe around you.

Go to an open space with preferably soft ground like a grass in a park.


When you spin, look and feel the things you’re spinning, you will realise some force… You are not spinning, you have just spun the world… You can feel this force if you try to stop it from spinning, and because it’s so heavy, it may take some power to stop, but you’ll do it eventually (commonly described as “you stopped spinning”) and then you can still feel the spin since it’s still spinning. This explanation is inadequate since you need to know THIS:


so if you spin, imagine you’re in a cup of tea. The water around you will spin… You are the one stirring the water… When you stop, the water is still spinning for a while until it balances and loses momentum.

The stuff you see is the water at specific intervals and frequencies that make them appear at certain places at certain times. Higher frequency in less space creates higher density and you seem to see something. This could be a streetlight, tree, house etc.

There is no pole, it’s a bunch of waves meeting in this formation at every fraction of time creating the illusion that it’s one single thing…

If you start looking carefully enough, you will see past your vision correction that you’ve raised yourself to perform to make more sense of the world societally. And when you see past that, you will realise the movement of all the things that are stationary AND the solidity of moving objects and that they are one and the same.

DIZZY is when you lose contact with your software that makes sense of the physical constructs in order to communicate with them.