Eli5: What is Human Centered Design?


Kept googling cuz I need to take pictures of said Human Centered Design stuff but honestly I don’t get what it is. Would help if some examples were given.


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4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Form follows function. Designed for a human to use it in the most intuitive and efficient manner.

Example: Look how cars are designed for a driver to have access to everything with minimal need to take their eyes off the road.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Design that works for a human.

Like if your phone had a keyboard on the front but a screen on the back it would be the opposite of human centered design.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It starts with empathy for the user. Identifying problems, pain points and unmet needs. Then ideating to come up with solutions.

But at the core, it’s focusing on the user.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The basic idea is that whatever is being designed should conform and adapt to the needs, preferences, abilities, and shortcomings of the human — rather than the other way around.