Eli5 – What is instinct?


Can a hardware and software metaphor explain it?

What is physically happening in our brain and body?

In: 21

22 Answers

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An instinct is the ability and inclination for living organisms to engage in certain behaviors or to perform certain actions without necessarily ever having learned those actions or behaviors. For example, newborn infants instinctively know how to attach and suckle and their mother’s nipple and they know that they need to do that even though they never learned it. It can also be a reaction to a stimulus, like when a female of some species emits mating pheromones and in response, the male engages in mating behavior despite never having seen that behavior before.

Computer metaphors don’t really make sense here because brains and behaviors aren’t really like computers, and computers just execute instructions that we tell them to, which is not how living organisms work.

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