Eli5: What is it in e.g drugs and mushrooms that makes you hallucinate?


I have been thinking about this for like a year. What is it really that is going on?

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6 Answers

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cannabis makes you see things from above, see the connections its not hallucination.

dmt for example opens the gate to the unconsiounss in the thalamus brain region ,so you can see, hear things that you usually couldn’t because the thalamus gate blocks everything non-important for food, shelter and sex. its not hallucination either. its a simple function of your brain,

mushrooms and led dont make you hallucinate either, they change your lvl of conscious and you are aware of more things.

its not rly a hallucatinaton thats happening, these things are real so your wording is a bit poor and for your question: we dont rly know yet how and why.

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