Eli5: What is Methamphetamine induced neurotoxicity? How does it happen? What are the long term effects? Is there any way to pervent it when using Methamphetamine?


Eli5: What is Methamphetamine induced neurotoxicity? How does it happen? What are the long term effects? Is there any way to pervent it when using Methamphetamine?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Just watch the Human Zoo at this subreddit. It will teach you everything you didn’t want to know about the nuts and bolts of using and smoking Methamphetamine and the devastating effects on the body, voice, finances, hygiene, housekeeping, personality, face and especially the teeth of the foolish user. Heavy Meth use age people a decade in 18 months in extreme cases with chronic use NSFW don’t say I didn’t warm you.

PS These people on the TikTok type format videos here are so brain fried and delusional they HONESTLY believe they are attractive and even sexy.

r/cloudblowersonly NSFW

If you still have questions repost your question to this subreddit below which is a clearing house of all things Methamphetamine from harm reduction, different types of Meth, show and tell paraphernalia and the cost of fixing the teeth of Meth Mouth and rehabs.

r/Meth NSFW

Anonymous 0 Comments

Don’t use meth in the first place???