Eli5 what is migraine and is there a cure for it?


Eli5 what is migraine and is there a cure for it?

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3 Answers

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Migraine is basically your neurons being electrically overexcited. This excitation comes form the following causes:

* consuming an exciting consumable, be it alcohol, coffee, tobacco or charcuterie

* getting an sensory overstimulation (too much bright light, too strong smells, uncomfortable clothes,…)

* hormones (especially the menstruation related hormones)

* meteorogical/atmospheric changes (a loss in air pressure, a high rise in humidity)

this is amplified by some genetic predispositions, meaning that some people nearly never get any migraines while other get daily ones.

The cause of the pain is caused by the dilatation of the blood vessels in the brain.

The cures are only for symptoms as far as I know. The best way to avoid migraines is to avoid the situations that usually causes them as much as you can. My fiancée gets migraines at work (sensory overstimulation due to people wearing perfume and talking all day long) and thus try to work remotely as much as she can for example.

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