Eli5: What is modernism and post-modernism?


Eli5: What is modernism and post-modernism?

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Modernism is a way of thinking and creating things that started around 100 years ago. People who were modernists wanted to do things in new and different ways that hadn’t been done before. They liked things to be clean and simple, and they thought that art, music, and literature should be more abstract and less realistic.

Post-modernism is a way of thinking and creating things that started after modernism. People who were post-modernists thought that modernism was too strict and not creative enough. They wanted to do things in even newer and more unusual ways, and they didn’t believe that there was just one “right” way to do things. They thought that art, music, and literature should be more playful and less serious.

So, to put it simply: modernism is about doing things in new and different ways that are clean and simple, and post-modernism is about doing things in even newer and more unusual ways that are playful and less serious.

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