A lot of good responses here and you can see the variation in how the words are interpreted, but also get a general sense of the philosophical movements.
One thing missing is that we are now moving post-postmodern. The book Digimodernism argues that whereas Modernists saw truth and beauty as objective and universal; and Postmodernists saw truth and beauty as subjective and temporary; Digimodernists see truth and beauty as things that we collectively define.
A good analogy is literature. Modernists say that the author had an intent, and the goal of reading is to understand that intent. Postmodernists say that the authors intent isn’t relevant, what is relevant is how you construct meaning from the text. Digimodernism is fanfiction in which the anonymous collective reinterprets and reinvents and retcons the work in entirely new ways, and then treats this as the understanding du jour.
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