Eli5: What is “Responsibility?”


What does this word as a core concept actually mean? What values does it represent and why is it important? I have heard it since I was a kid but never understood the core rationale behind this.

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3 Answers

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I think the easiest way to explain responsiblity is to think about what happens if there no responsibilty. For example in a company people/departments have responsiblities for certain products/topics/areas. If no one is responsible for ordering toilet paper, you might have someone randomly do it but it is quite likely you run out of toilet paper at some point. So to prevent this you give someone the responsibilty to order new toilet paper, now it still is possible to run out of toilet paper (because the person didnt do a good job for example) but you can go to a person held the accountible for their acctions. This accountibilty can have diffrent ways of manifesting like a talk, being fired etc. An important thing is being held accountable doesnt mean it is a person that holds you accountable, for example you as an adult are responsible to eat a certain amount of food otherwise biology will hold you accountable with worst outcome being you dying. The concept is there is no accountablity without responsibilty, other wise in the toilet paper example you could just go to anyone in the company and fire them for not ordering toilet paper even though it wasnt their job to order toilet paper. It is important so that things dont just happen because someone feels like doing something, but because someone has to do them or there would be negative effects, like having no toilet paper. It kind of is a value in it self but you could say it overall just means we dont want bad things to happen.

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