Eli5 what is review bombing?


What is review bombing and what purpose does it serve?

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3 Answers

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generally, review bombing is a co-ordinated attempt to tarnish the reputation of a media work by getting lots of people to give it bad reviews on review sites. Generally this is held to be A Bad Thing, because these reviews are normally in response to some specific problem (or “problem”, depending on your stance), and not a fair reflection of the work as a whole.

the idea is that people with a no opinion or a neutral opinion will go looking for reviews of the media work, find loads of bad reviews, and be put off paying for the work, thus costing the production company sales. It often doesn’t work like that, especially for review bombing attempts over a marginal or strongly political issue.

to use the example u/Cyberhwk cited, of review bombing Starfield because its not available on the PS5, a potential PC or Xbox customer who was looking at that game’s reviews would see all these negative reviews for a problem that doesn’t affect them, and promptly discount those negative reviews.

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