Service member here possibly getting out next year. Bunch of options on the table and one of them is the possibility to earn free certifications from Salesforce. I grew up in the SF Bay Area, so I am familiar with the company, but I honestly have no idea what they actually do or what these certifications would be, or why they would even be useful. I realize this is probably a very vague question, but I guess just looking for an overall scope of what they do.
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Let’s say I own a company that sells airplanes (and have lots of money to spend on software). I would use Salesforce –
Sales Cloud to track people who have bought planes, or who asked me about buying planes
Service Cloud to keep track of customer service issues when they call in to our support center
Marketing Cloud to email current and potential customers about plane features, new plane models that are coming out, etc
Commerce Cloud so people can buy planes from my online store
There are other pieces to Salesforce, I don’t know all of them. But getting certified could mean learning how to maintain customer databases and how to wrangle that data, or managing how the data flows between different branches (there’s probably a more technical term than that) of SF, or how to set up and maintain an online store.
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