Eli5 – what is the dark side of moon?


I understand that moon is tidally locked to the earth and we never see the other side (side facing away from earth). I suppose that’s called far side, but is it also the dark side? Also is there any overlap between dark side and the lunar poles?

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6 Answers

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The “dark side” of the moon is just another name for the far side – the side that’s never facing Earth.

It’s not actually “dark”, it got called “dark” because it was unseen and for a long time we had no information about it. We never saw that dark/far side until we were able to send orbiters around the back, which happened in pretty recent history. In the days before that, globes of the moon were [literally blank on one side](https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/5ba0380654a6876d6e670007/5c4f591d43b439f8924e8b8c_DSC00333—-.jpg) because we couldn’t see what was there to map it. “The dark side” of the moon was a nickname for it being mysterious, uncharted, and always facing away from us.

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