eli5: what is the difference and definition of assimilation and integration?


hello! I keep confusing the definition of assimilation and integration. Could somebody please explain to me the terms and their differences as well as maybe examples?

thank you in advance for your help!

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

My understanding is this, and look. It might be wrong, because I’m not googling it. Just keep it in mind.

To assimilate is to merge into a collective, while losing an individual identity.

To integrate is to merge into a collective while retaining the individual identity.

Assimilation is what the Borg (?) do in the Star Trek universe. They are a collective hive mind, a single consciousness, that once you join, you’re no longer you.

Were as we integrate chips into a circuit. The circuit remains, the chip remains. They work in unison, but still through their own individual efforts.

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