Eli5: What is the difference between natural and artificial light; and why can some plants thrive on artificial light?


Eli5: What is the difference between natural and artificial light; and why can some plants thrive on artificial light?

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5 Answers

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Natural light is light produced by natural sources :
sunlight and all it’s variants, e.g, direct sunlight , cloudy sunlight

moonlight (actually sunlight reflected off the moon)

starlight, similar to sunlight , because the sun is essentially a star

twilight or dawn light

auora borealis , aurora australis

glow worms , bioluminescent algae underwater , fire-flies

radio-active glow, (e.g., uranium)

lightning bolts

fire light (fires created by lightning)
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Artificial light (not made by nature ) is light made by humans, often in a factory :
streetlights , car headlamps , torches , building and domestic lamps (incandescent , fluorescent , LCD , LEDs ) ,

television screens , computer screens , phone screens ,

photo flash units ,

cigarette light / cigarlight / matchstick flame , stove or oven flames .

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