eli5 What is the energy losses from burning something?


What is the terms for it? We did a lab where we burned food objects, it asked if there were any energy losses in the experiment. I searched google but couldn’t find anything I understood, can someone please help me understand? We used an open flame to burn foods such as nuts, beans, marshmallows..

In: 14

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

‘Energy loss’ has little meaning unless you were trying to do something with that energy.

A useful context would be in something like a car engine. Some of the energy from the fuel is lost via (for example) heat escaping from the cylinders and the engine, instead of propelling the car.

So if you were burning food to heat the room, light would be lost energy. If you were burning food to light the room, heat would be lost energy.

But if you were burning food for no particular reason (beyond ‘experiment’) the question is pretty meaningless, unless the intended answer is something along the lines of, ‘energy is never lost to the universe, it just changes form’.

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