ELI5-What is the fibonacci sequence?


I’ve heard a lot about the amazing geometry of fibonacci and how it it’s supposed to be in all nature and that’s sacres geometry… But I simply don’t see it can some please explain me the hypes of it

In: 208

33 Answers

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Say you want to know how fast rabbits reproduce. Let’s make it simple with some assumptions:

1. start with a single newly born pair of rabbits
2. rabbits are able to mate at the age of one month, so at the end of its second month a female can produce another pair of rabbits
3. rabbits never die and a mating pair always produces a new pair every month

Together these rules produce the Fibonacci numbers.

1 (baby pair of rabbits)

1 (mating pair of rabbits)

2 (original mating pair + newborn pair makes 2 pairs)

3 (2 pairs from before + another newborn pair)

5 (3 pairs from before + 2 newborn pairs as another pair is having kids and original)

[The Fibonacci numbers are exactly the number of rabbit pairs each period.](https://mathcenter.oxford.emory.edu/site/math125/fibonacciRabbits/)

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