eli5 what is the meaning of the cross product of angular velocity and angular momentum…


This term shows up in euler’s equations of rigid body dynamics… what is the meaning of this term… why are angular momentum and velocity not collinear

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4 Answers

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Consider a spinning wheel. Different points on that wheel will be moving in different directions. If angular velocity were co-linear with velocity, which of the points should the one whose velocity is co-linear with angular velocity? Should the angular velocity change as that point moves in a circle, or should the selected point change?

All of these problems can be fixed by noticing that while all the velocities in the wheel are going in different directions, they are all perpendicular to one particular axis. As long as we all agree that the direction of ‘angular velocity’ is defined by the axis rather than by the linear velocity of a point, everything works out in the end.

Note to self: make sure to read the question before answering.

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