ELI5 what is the meaning of the phrase “it’s a weird hill to die on”?


It’s a phrase I’ve seen often on Reddit

In: Culture

6 Answers

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It’s referencing the idea of warware. You’d after a day of fight see how much ground you’ve gained or lost, and how many men you’ve lost to achieve that. A single hill is about the least you could gain. Someone dying to defend that hill and prevent it from falling to enemy forces is the key idea there.

And as a general, you’d want to make sure each death was meaningful. If you send soldiers to defend some hill, that hill better be darn important. If it’s not, well, that’s a weird hill to die on.

In discussions then, you have to choose if you send soldiers defend your viewpoints on particular issues. Like, how many losses are you prepared to suffer to insist on your viewpoint. Pineapple on pizza for example, are you ready to just stop any other discussion and perhaps sever friendships because you have to insist on your viewpoint on that issue? If so, you’ve chosen that as the hill you’re willing to die on. And it’s a weird one

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