ELI5- What Is The Opportunity Cost for Healing Cuts, etc?


I try to avoid injuries, but they sometimes happen. So when that finger gets a modest cut, what is it costing me besides a little bit of neosporin and a few bandaids for the first couple of days? Like the stuff inside my body actually doing the healing-was it just waiting around for something to do, or was there some other function for my body it could’ve been doing if it didn’t have to patch me up?

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You expend resources and energy to heal. So if you are exercising or physically active you have that small amount of energy and nutrition less available for those activities. Unless its a cut in an area that hinders the activity, the actual opportunity cost is likely negligible.

There’s also the risk of infection. Modern medicine has reduced the chances drastically, but even small cuts can potentially result in life altering/ending infections.

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