Why did the human body develop the ability to engage with cannabinoids? I’ve heard people postulating that we’re practically build to get high, as a justification for cannabis usage, but I can’t really believe it would be the main cause for this specific natural selection. I mean; from a darwinian perspective it doesn’t really make sense – how would getting high be survival of the fittest? Also, there exist other cannabinoids than THC, so what is the effect of these, and how present are they in our daily lives and what are the effect of these?
In: 170
They are often presynaptic receptors, and they reduce excitability of presynaptic neurones in response to a signal from the post synantic neuron, which is the opposite direction of transmission to normal neurotransmission.
Essentially they are a reverse breaking mechanism, the post synantic cell can send a message backwards, saying woah, reduce transmission
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