eli5: What is the purpose and/or advantage of multiple cameras and lenses on a phone?


As the title suggests, I don’t understand how this works.

In: 41

30 Answers

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Optics rely on adjusting distance. However if you look at your phone it is thin and the cameras are small.

So if you can’t have lots of space to put in optics in to, you can have many different cameras that are set to different focal ranges and have different properties optimised to taking a picture in different conditions. For example some phones can have one camera that only sees in black and white, but it uses this information to get a map of the depth in the picture. And since light behaves in a rather predictable manner (so much so that we can ray trace realistic light on computers), the camera app of the phone can adjust the image to look better than it actually is; by making a composite.

This need to do post process and handle images from camera is the reason why GPUs started to become part of phones. The fact they can allow you to play games or watch high resolution videos is just an extra benefit. Those GPU parts in the phone’s SOC are there primarily to meet the needs of the camera. This is why some phones/apps don’t allow you to like play youtube on small screen while taking a picture. The camera needs the capacity of the GPU to take a picture.

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