Eli5: What is the purpose of downshifting for a semi-truck and how does it work?


I have always wondered what those loud noises are the semi-trucks make as they appear to be slowing down, but I don’t understand how that helps?

In: 547

24 Answers

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If you are hearing sudden loud popping sounds from a truck, it’s the engine brake, or “jake brake.” This is different than the RPMs of the engine slowing it down by changing gears – it restricts airflow into the diesel engine and therefore forces the engine to slow down. When a driver has it turned on, it begins as soon as they lift their foot from the accelerator. In other words, it is kind of like an enhanced coast.

You also might be hearing the fan come on, or going into high speed. It’s hot, and engines have a lot of difficulty staying cool with 100degree air. The fan runs a whole lot this time of year.

The foot brake is an air brake system. People have already mentioned slowing down with changing gears. And the jake brake is the 3rd form of braking. Should the brakes ever become disconnected from the air supply, that is the emergency brake, to ensure should the mechanical systems fail, the springs in the brake drums engage brakes to make sure the vehicle doesn’t roll uncontrollably.

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